Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Searching With the Serpents - Silver Spring, MD

Serpent swag

Jenners3, Lorax Gang and V-4 Team at the cache
Night caching
July 09, 2012  The Jenner1 and the Lorax Gang -3 went geocaching today.  This cache was a GREAT CACHE!!  Best stuff I've ever gotten in a cache and the largest cache size I've seen so far!  I hope more people go to this one. It's fairly easy but still a little bit challenging AND the cache itself is AWESOME!! Thanks so much for placing so many cool items inside! We took a NOAA coin and left some NASA swag.

THEN the rest of the LoraxGang joined us as well as the V-4 Team.  D and I decided that they should do the Searching with the Serpents cache since it was relatively easy and they were raring to do another one after Grumpy EVEN THOUGH it was completely dark out!  So we sent them in with the camera and a flashlight and the GPS.  Lo and behold they found it!  First true night cache - other than the one where I was left on the top of the butte all by myself in the dark.  Anyway, THIS venture was successful and a great time was had by all!  Stay tuned for more geocaching adventures!


  1. The picture at the bottom of this post was actually just me flashing the camera to get some light in the dark! It still looks pretty good, if I may say so myself.
