Sunday, July 29, 2012

Johns Stash Cache - Not a Cache and Dash

Dear sister with her web whacking wand


July 29, 2012 -- Yowzah!  Okay, first of all, again, I did NOT read the car coordinates at first.  So we drove and parked to where I thought we should start.  But there was no entry spot into the woods and you can't just go tromping through somebody's yard (although I have done that, but ONLY as a last resort when The Lorax Gang and I were hopelessly lost and it was getting dark) but I digress.  Anyway, we came back to the car, reread the coordinates for parking, put the coordinates into our car GPS and went there. Again, not a good place as far as I'm concerned.  We got as far as a horse trail and turned around since there was no way to get INTO the woods unless we had had hacksaws and axes.  We didn't.  Finally we went to a deadend road and it showed us as being about 800 ft. away.  Perfect.  So we went into the woods and started walking.  Okay, we ended up in someone's yard and then came back and followed the GPS.  It did tend to bounce quite a bit due to the tree cover, but FINALLY we got to within about 20 ft.  A BIG thanks for the hints, fellow geocachers, otherwise I know this would have been a DNF for me and my sister!   But we did find it and swapped out an Avenger bouncy ball for a soccer ball.  Of course, the inevitable happened afterwards--once again I couldn't find our way back to the car. We ended up having to use my iPhone Google maps to find our way back. So basically we needed three different GPS units to accomplish this cache! God I love technology!!!

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