Friday, July 13, 2012

The Quest Continues...Silver Spring and Kemp Mill, MD

July 12, 2012 - TheLoraxGang of 1 and I went out to continue our Snow White quest.  We discovered we had to actually go BACK and re-find Grumpy owing to the fact that we neglected to get the code from the cache needed to figure out Snow White's hiding place.  That was easy since we'd already been there.

Sneezy or Sleepy?
Feeling as though we were on a roll we went to the next dwarf hideout which was a park we were very familiar with having found three other caches there.  Using our iPhone app we didn't have much trouble finding this one -- and Sneezy was quickly uncovered, apparently suffering terribly from allergies in the wood as his picture will attest.  I suggest a heavy dose of Zyrtec and to stay out of the woods!

Happy and Sneezy
We collected our code and moved on.  Since we were two for two on the dwarf cache collection we opted to move on for #3.   Originally we thought we were headed for Dopey, but somehow we ended up going for Bashful.  And Bashful to the extreme he was!  We parked and walked.  And walked, and walked.  And bushwhacked, and hiked, and hunted, and rummaged, and explored and investigated -- got tangled up in countless spider webs.  Got bitten by...well, I hope they were flies.  And we marched on into the night until the sun starting setting and the moon began to rise.  At that point, we decided that Bashful was just having an extreme case of shyness and we just weren't going to find him that day.  I can honestly say that the iPhone app for is NOT the same as having a dedicated GPS unit.  It bounced all over the place and also took forever to update where we were in relation to the cache. In short, it was a disaster.  The only reason we didn't use the trusty Magellan was because I neglected to download the cache info to the unit and that flub cost us dearly.  Not only did we not find Bashful, but we got lost in the woods and ended up having to hike across a person's private yard and driveway to get ourselves back to a road we recognized so we could hightail it back to the car.  I would ordinarily frown on doing that, but it was either that or trek through the dark woods at night trying to find our way back to our trail which had disappeared.  So Bashful remains at large at this point, but intrepid explorers that we are we will be back another day!!

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