Sunday, July 29, 2012

Looking West from Sugarloaf

Searching for the cache
Could it be???

What to choose -- the doorknob, the business card or the rock? 
July 28, 2012 - Sugarloaf Mountain - West Overlook -- Here's the typical way we cache: Don't read the description of where to park. Use the GPS to figure out the closest place to park near the cache. Am usually WRONG. Head for the cache you intend to grab but find that as you travel you are getting no closer. Obviously you are circling your prey. Okay, now look at your GPS and realize there is actually ANOTHER cache in the area that's closer than the original cache you were looking for. So you decide to find that one instead. Now you realize that you have to leave the path and go straight up the side of the hill. Full bushwhacking ensues including a terrifying moment as your trampling sounds flush out a herd of deer that you are convinced is a grizzly bear. Finally you are close to your prey and your GPS tells you that you are mere feet away. HUZZAH! You FOUND IT!! Smile! Take a photo of your with the cache. Open the cache only to find out that all the good stuff has been taken and no is keeping with the geocaching motto of putting back as good or better than you take. Put the cache back as it was, climb down, turn the corner, and find out you are right next to a parking lot that you could've parked in rather than hiked for 3/4 of a mile through the bramble infested, spider-webbed, rock strewn, thorny woods. Sound familiar to anyone else???

We left a Bride and Groom TB since this cache has people coming to it pretty regularly. Please move it along and PLEASE only take as good as you put in to the cache! It makes it more fun for everyone. Plastic army men just are not cutting it, neither are girls pony tail holders or a....DOORKNOB???  Come on, people, can we try a little harder?  And a rock, a rock??? A ROCK???  We are SURROUNDED BY A BAJILLION ROCKS.  Wow.  The irony.

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