Tuesday, July 10, 2012

High School Butte -- And what a butte it was - Jackson Hole, Wyoming

You can see the size of the cars on the road and compare them to the size of the butte.
  It was higher than it looks.

June 22, 2012 - Since I am recovering nicely from my PTSD resulting from this cache, I can now take a little time to tell about this hellish find.  Anyway, this was one of my first finds and my husband's VERY first cache. We convinced him to give geocaching a shot and it turns out he loved it.  Well, we started a little too late at night (8:45 pm) and the hill we had to climb was--well, not flat. My dear husband and son went off ahead of me because it was a pretty steep climb and I STUPIDLY had worn sandals. Of course, keep in mind that this was a spur of the moment cache finding adventure--an after dinner adventure so we weren't planning on a long harrowing hike. I stayed on the path and continued the climb. They found the cache and picked up a Russian doll tracker bug, who is, well...a doll.  She's named Tatyana.  Still at this point everything was okay and if they had taken the route BACK that they had taken to FIND THE CACHE, all would have worked out since I would've met them on their way back down.  But what did they do?  They came back a DIFFERENT ROUTE. Then the sun set.  And me?  Well, I was on top of this HUGE hill with no flashlight, no seeing eye dog, and nobody to guide me. I was pretty petrified, which doesn't help with thinking clearly. Long, long, story short, they finally called me on my cell phone (which obviously I had forgotten I had with me otherwise that certainly would've helped out in this situation) and had to come halfway back up to rescue me. So Tatyana, you should be pretty glad you were rescued by them. They are good in a crisis. We want to release her back into a good fun cache, but here are some pics we have taken for your journey.  As for husband and son, they agreed that it was a challenging hike so beware if you're not up to uphill climbs!

 The picture above shows the trail start up the side of the hill.
 It switchbacks all the way up.  Just beyond the fence you
can see there's a road there.  From the size of the traffic sign
and trees you get an idea of just how steep this "hill" was.

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