Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Doc In The Woods

Intrepid cachers doing their cache finding salute
August 05, 2012 - On the way home from the in-laws this morning (for brunch) I casually pointed out to dear husband and son that there was a cache pretty much on the way home and that it was one that I really wanted to get.  Always being the good guy, dear husband said, "Where is it?"  At which point I proceeded to drag my geocaching bag out of its hiding spot and kick off my sandals for sturdier shoes.  Grabbing the GPSr, I quickly pulled up the cache and found that we were a mere 1.5 miles away!  YAY!

Cache ahoy
The part of geocaching that always confounds me is where to START.  I plugged in the parking coordinates to the car's GPS and once again it took us to the wrong spot.  I think that maybe the coordinates the car uses are different than the GPSr (maybe in type).  In any event, I was able to negotiate our way to a park--seems as though this is where all good caches begin.

Doc in good hands
We parked and headed out with just a mere 800 ft. to go.  Following the path and some of the comments from recent finders I figured it was probably very close to the trail.  It was and I found out that I am getting pretty good at figuring out where I think it should be--which is usually is.  Only took me 33 caches before to really get the hang of it [;)]!! 

So we found Doc in good shape and we found the Beijing Geocoin that I had my eye on from the comments.  Someone had just dropped it off in this cache not too long ago.  It is BEAUTIFUL!  I logged it and found out that it has traveled from Missouri to Alaska through Washingon State, California, Arizona and then back east to Virginia and on to Maryland.  I am going to release it probably on an upcoming trip to South Carolina.  P.S.  Not sure why I look so demented in this photo.  Maybe it was the heat.  I hope it was the heat...

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