Monday, April 29, 2013

The Great Cache-A-Thon Day Two

Following the wire to its source

Meet "the wire"
Yep, another sneaky one!
March 30, 2013 - Day Two of the Great Cache-A-Thon had two of the Jenners 3 and only one Lorax along this time as we continued our quest to find DII, C, B, and A of the Hiking/Biking ICC Trail, Georgia Trail series.   Oh yikes!  This one definitely took us awhile even on Day Two and once we found it, we were shaking our heads.  The problem lies in the fact that if you get something into your head about "what it SHOULD be" rather than thinking outside the box, you will never find what it is you seek.  Once you let go of your foregone conclusion and just let your mind wonder, then you end up finding your cache.  This one is not for the faint of heart!!

Checked off DII and moved to C!  And this was another sneaky one.  But once you are in the mind of mmacfarland, things end up being easier and easier as you go down the trail.  We (Drew) found this one without too much difficulty using the idea of "what has no earthly purpose being here" method of geocaching.  And this did not.  Another micro notch for our geo-belts.  It did take a bit of "reflection" to find as mmacfarland so aptly put it!

Moving towards the head of the trail and on to B! It was and wasn't where we thought it would be.  This one was difficult in that we had a pretty good idea where it SHOULD have been but it wasn't.  It really wasn't until we put our GPS's away that we found it.  And it was just tossed off to one side.  I think it had been found by a muggle and muggle-ized.  We ended up putting it where we are SURE it should've been in the first place and not 50 feet away from where both of our GPS's said it should be.  There was other evidence of tampering, but now it's back in its home and ready to be found by the next geocachers out there.
Down there!
"A" was our very last cache of this day and it was a honey! It was a quick find for us to end our day (rather than start it as we did this trail backwards).  Drew ended up taking the Kuwaiti coin (thank you very much) and we were all happy that we had done the entire trail from start to finish.  Upon further inquiry, we have discovered that mmacfarland has placed a few more caches since March 30, so now we must go back and find those caches to round out the trail.  Our next grouping will have to be mmacfarland's Emory Road trail.   Can't wait to try out that one!  TFTC!!

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