Friday, March 22, 2013

It's a Whole New Year!

March 22, 2013

New Year, New Geochallenges!
Yes, it is definitely a WHOLE NEW YEAR!!  And it's begun with a bang!  Well, not completely true, but my geocaching buddy, Melissa, reminded me that it's been WWWAAAAAYYY too long since we've been geocaching.  In fact, for me, it's been since October. It's getting to be Spring again when the weather is milder, and the plants and critters begin to stir.  Although you'd never be able to tell from the thermometers!  Yesterday was downright bitter.  But I digress...

With Spring comes the Caching Across Maryland challenge that actually began on March 16th and continues through May 5th.  The challenge is to find 10 caches across the entire state from the "panhandle" to the Eastern shore.  It is said that people have driven over 1000 miles in years past to get all these caches.  In the end, you are rewarded with a set of coordinates that take you to a special picnic for those that were clever enough and/or persistent enough to find all the caches in the challenge.

I accept the challenge.

I with my intrepid team shall take on the Caching Across Maryland challenge and defeat it at its core.  Or something like that.

So stay tuned for a lot more geocaching fun and games as Geocaching 2013 ramps up for another fun summer!